Friday, January 28, 2005

Bathroom beatdown

When the Force required to turn the toilet paper roll in the ladies restroom is greater than the Force required to tear off squares of cheap-ass toilet paper, so that you pull, tear, pull, tear, pull, tear, in an endless futile cycle of toilet paper shreds.

Beatdown with the broken soap dispenser.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Beatdown for All of Us

WTF, peeps? I know that we have plenty to beatdown about. Hell, I could run this site myself, but that's just not much fun.

So, we all get beatdowns for not beating anything down until the 19th of the New Year.

I'm willing to forgive you in light of the holidays - I mean, even I'm not that mufh of a grinch, but c'me on, folks.

Let 'em rip!