Thursday, July 29, 2004

1.  Grasshopper lovers?  Beatdown.
2.  People who visit and have no qualms about strolling around my apartment while brushing their teeth **shudder**.  Big-ass beatdown.
3.  People who come into the bar and immediately ask what the drink specials are... BEATdown.
4.  Sales clerks at Von Maur who follow you around when you're dressed in your gardening clothes but wanted to stop and look for a dress for a semi-formal occasion the next week before getting dirty and then point you to the sales racks to look at leftover mumus because your overalls used to belong to an old, incredibly obese farmer named Harlan who was four feet tall and they think if they take their eyes off you you're going to shove the over-priced $400 dress inside said overalls.  I'm still beating that bitch down.  Down, girl!!
5.  My ex-boyfriend, Twit, and his new girlfriend, Twat.  Much beating.  With big sticks.
6.  The people who program the stoplights incorrectly so my poor car has to lurch to work because of a three second delay.  Beatdown.

I could think of so many more... but alas, I must work.


Blogger Jamie said...

ummm, when should we ask about the drink specials???

8:28 AM  

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